Yay! I’ve officially completed my first year! This spells the beginning of my 4th semester – 2nd January ‘o7. The freedom of post-exam is indeed exhilarating;  it’s only a few days away for the jam-packed adventures of me and my pals’ backpack expedition, LIMA air show, outstation trips, the merry joys of Christmas, and celebrating the New Year’s Countdown! Can’t wait to party and have a good time!
  We deserve it after the grueling final projects, deadlines and exam stress!

But somehow, I just can’t wait for my 2nd year at college. I’ll be taking Mass Media Law and Media,Culture& Society. Wonder what’s in store for me? *grin*

Well anyway, this time around.. Here’s my verdict on the recent exams-
News Writing for Print Media: Swell!
Film Studies: Swell!
Public Relations: Swell except that Part C will slaughter my grades and decimate my CGPA. Fo shure!
Media Research Methods: Swell!

Ahh well, I guess the only way of finding out my results will be when it arrives. (I will wait at my doorstep even if it’s the last thing I do!!)
