Just got back from the concert!!

 I brought a good friend Andrea there to the gig with me and goodness gracious, we felt so muted after it all – screaming and jumping along with Hayley & her rocksome band! 😀

After local punk-rock band Y2K opened for them, Paramore ripped the stage to shreds and shot us all sky high!



Now this concert, is what I'd call a riot!

We were also practically drenched in our own sweat, with so much headbanging, yelling our lungs out. dancing & everything else!



Lots of people fell down from all the insane pushing and shoving. In the Rock Zone ,there was a mini riot between the partygoers as well! Yup, it's one rough and tough night alright 😀

My lips were bleeding as someone knocked my teeth and somehow cut it.



BUT IT'S OKAY! I'm still alive LOL

All in the name of a rock concert. You want a rock concert? You GET a rock concert!


The rowdier, the better.. YEAHH??

Also, I had real good fun screaming along to some of my fave songs like 'Brick by Boring Brick', 'Crush Crush Crush', 'Decode', 'Misery Business' and most definitely, 'Only Exception'.

Those were only SOME of the many songs they rocked the stage with tonight! Many more & acoustics too 🙂


yay picture of the lovely & adorable punk rocker Hayley Williams! 🙂

High5* to a fellow red-head yo


So glad to have seen her live with my very own eyes. I've been a diehard fan of Paramore for years and years now as previously mentioned [here]. Also felt so comfy in my element tonight! Met so many other fellow red-heads amongst the 8000 revellers at the gig too.

 Many thanks, Tune Talk, for bringing them down to Malaysia!


Oh and, the rain of sparks throughout the concert were simply impressive, likewise the burst of golden yellow leaves & bright red hearts at the very end!



So many more things happened! 😀  If you've been following my tweets on #ParamoreKL you would've known hehe 

I've got lots more to share with you, but let's leave it for the full blogpost alright? 😀 Gotta hit the sack now!



Nightey nights my rocksome people! 😀 😀
