“EH. jess, I need a makeover”
Sure Carter!
So anyway, my buddies were hangin out at my crib today (and still are as I type this) and guess what? We started Video Calling with another one of our besties, Carter. So much laughing, gagging & even exchanging of obscene pictures… and finally, my 30minute photoshop abuse to dear ol’ Carter.
luv it lotsss jess..
luv u peepz too !!
i hope darlie pays me handsomely and not sue me…XD
thanx for brightening up my day with lotza fun and laughter yet again jess !! ^^
omg .. look at the devil , beast tere ..
eheeewwww .. advertising darlie sumore . i guess i wont use darlie onward .. =p
oh no carter. ur wrong.
u brightened up my day; all of you did. Sincerely.
If it wasn’t for you awesome peeps that brought me back to smiles just nw- ben, rach vinz & u, i bet i’d still be emo-ing upstairs in my room.
and oh yes, I’m still the dispenser of laughter!!
yes rach, otherwise u’ll look like him
in the last picture, he looks abit like Jim Carrey!!
Yes he seriously looks like Jim Carrey in the last picture. I think it was the eyes and the smile.
U gotta teach me photoshop sometime. Not bad for a 30 minute work.
He posted it up as his picture on facebook even before we tried to paste it on his superwall.
exactly! it shows that he loves it.
okie sure, photoshop lessons for vincent tan.
registeration & enrollment begins for the new intake. =P
hey , dun arr .. i no nid plastic surgery , my look is still ok ..