Hi there, you look familiar!

I’ve missed you. After a 9 month (labour, LOL) hiatus from my precious space – TheJessicat.com – a new blog is born. How’d you like the new look of it? 😀

In case you’ve forgotten how this blog used to look like, here it is!

But first! Before I go into the details of this brand new, revamped blog that you’re looking at, I think I owe you – my dearest readers – an explanation on why I totally went missing in action on you.

Read on to find out what I’ve been up to! 🙂


Honestly, when people asked me why I’ve not been blogging, the last thing I would ever want to say is that I “stopped blogging”, simply because I didn’t.

Call it a hiatus, a sabbatical, a break, call it anything you wish, because I wouldn’t quit for the world.

For the life of me, I wouldn’t ever, even if I ever had to! 😣

Keep your head high, and focus on the things that are aligned with your life goals.

In all honesty, I’ve just been steadfastly focusing on my career & life goals. #TypicalAsian #Overachiever

Right now at my age, and blessed at exactly where I want to be in this stage of life (praise be to God), I can now loosen the reins a tad bit, and return to doing the things that make me truly happy – blogging included.



So for the last 9 months, when my work-life balance began to spiral out of its ideal ratio, the hobbies that matter to me started to take the backseat and in time, was replaced by the dire need to work and sleep. Ergo, blogging, gym training, healthy cooking almost vanished from my routine.

But after 9 months being away from the blog, I’m back and I’m here to stay!

Allow me to also take this chance to share a few monumental updates in my life in this exact order:

  1. Bought a property of my own! A cosy 2-bedroom condominium in Kuala Lumpur
  2. Got offered a new position in a European digital & social media agency
  3. Filled my heart with a new faith, strengthened my core values/beliefs and spiritual path
  4. Got myself a GoPro (Yeah it’s no drone or something more epic, but hey, I’m really so happy!)
  5. Finally undergone CO2 fractional laser for the old teenage acne scars on my face – will blog about this!
  6. Put my fears of entrepreneurship aside, and became a business owner of a small restaurant

That’s all!

The next life goal and entry in my bucket list will be travelling to another continent and owning a new mean machine, preferably a convertible sports car (God willing). Yasss, a girl can always dream.


Been also shopping for new clothes of course. That goes without saying! 😋

Bardot top from Zalora Malaysia, by Something Borrowed

Acid-washed jeans by H&M

Cross-strapped chunky heels by Charles & Keith

Bag by Burberry


Till then, will write all about the experience working with my blog-revamp sponsors in my next blog post.

There’s a funny story behind it… but most importantly, they’re really awesome and I feel really lucky to be hand-picked by them to undergo this change. Full story coming up soon!

Finally, to end this post, I’d like to say a very big thank you to all my advertisers, ultimately, for your patience.

I truly apologize  for not being able to keep up with the demands over the last 9 months when I was away from this blog and for all the sponsored content, products and services that you’ve been so kind to shower me with.

Hold on just a little bit more, and I promise I’ll be back on schedule!

