So well, i didn’t go to the gym for the past to days due to some reasons which I can’t fathom. So what’s a girl got to do on Monday and Tuesday after college? Mum needs me to pick her up as always, so I guess it’s the industrial zone phase IV for me!

As far as I know, mum had always been in the Human Resources line. I watched her grow in her career ladder and now, I’m proud to have a mother which is managing her entire Penang branch’s HR. She started off as a secretary. Hats off to you mum! As mother and daughter, we constantly share ongoings about teach others friends, experiences and lots more. Particularly through her stories, I was in favour of Anas – her HR executive. He would work for hours on end with dedication and utmost respect for my mum.

Oh, well… ya’ know…. we Mass Commers rock. =P (perasan membara-bara)

Spending hours in her office
doing my editorial and layout work for my final NewsWriting for Print Media projects, tabulation and analysis for Media Research Methods and researching for PR Suicide campaign was enough for me to observe the ways of an average working day in adulthood.
It was freaky, but I guess we students are approaching this insanity as well.

1. They constantly talk to themselves.
2. They have their dinners at 10pm
3. They are deep in thoughts.
4. Their bodies are mysteriously fused to the computer
5. Their ears have been biologically linked to conference-calls
6. They are able to live without food the entire day.
7. They are drowning in the piles and stacks of papers on their desks.
8. They depend on Lite.Fm (formerly known as Light&Easy) for their source of entertainment.
9. They face annoying and pathetic staff crying and complaining to them
10. They walk around barefoot due to their now lackadaisical attitude towards how they look.

Goodness me. It might not even be the peak of their busy moments. Wow.
Crouching manager, hidden boxes behind potted plants

No wonder mum acts like a motherfucking-insane-screaming-for-no-good-reason-nagfest-hag.
I hate you at times but I know love you all the time.
