One of my best friends were part of them, so we hung out altogether and got along very easily. Had an outing with them after class for lunch at Gurney Plaza. They’re awesome people and I was glad to have met them all. The sad part was that Nadia and I wasn’t able to join them for a movie that afternoon.

See? We take pride in getting to know our juniors from all the new semesters. That’s the spirit of the mass comm-ers!!

Naina, Nadia, Jess, Nadiah and Kathreen

The thing is, that’s only a fraction of us. More too come as the semester progresses yea? Hehe

That’s Momen being silly — >                                    

This snap was a natural. We were caught by Nadia, hey!

We chat over lunch like, so much! Hmm.. and I learn some Tagalog words too. I hate to say this but, I sorta forgot them. =P I can recall that one of it means ‘mountain man’ and I think the other one meant ‘gay’. Give my memory a jolt please gurls?

She’s so adorable. That silly gurl =) Love ya babe!

The day progressed with me, Nads and my dear lil porcupine in the car. We’re leaving for home!

