Courtesy of Nuffnang, I was invited for tonight's DiGi Pimp My Music party at Velvet Underground @ Zouk.

Best part is, the last day of my exams are TODAY!!


Woots! So why wouldn't I go? I absolutely love love love costume parties and if you've been reading my blog for long, I've been to a number of themeparties for the past few years! 😀 😀


As exams just finished today, I thought I would just go dressed up as a normal person. Doubt I have time to go pick and plan my costume! But hey, I changed my mind. Made props, dressed up and rented stuff would go perfectly for my Lady Gaga character tonight.


Introducing you… *drumroll*





For those who will be going, I'll see ya there aight?

Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I got my head and my heart on the dance floor! 😀
