High Definition at the comfort of your home. I’d never imagine that will happen! Now, we hear so much yabber-jabber on HD videos and even HD contact lenses (!) but now.. watching your favorite channels in High Definition on Astro, Cable TV just got better.
Thanks to Nuffnang who invited me for this evening’s launch, I made my way to Modestos along with many other familiar faces. We were among the 1st 150+ people who had the privilege to watch the Astro Byond HD commercial. It was phenomenal! 🙂
All the guests were asked to sign and write their New Year Resolutions
Okay, Imma share with you the full commercial of the newly launched Astro Byond in High Definition! Do watch it.. it’s so ingenious and very well done 🙂
Greeted by the emcee, he shared with us what the Astro B.yond had in stall for its subscribers
Given a warm welcome by the Mix.FM radio announcer!
Among the channels available in HD are these 5, Astro Supersport, ESPN, HBO, National Geographic and The History Channel. Not bad for a start! They will be adding more channels in HD, who knows? Our kids of kids would prolly watch Disney Channel in HD as well.
There was something which caught our attention though.
It was pretty fun as all of us were observing the set-up of the crime scene, wondering what part it will play as the evening ensued. Lotsa people started to climb in and sat on the armchair, totally disregarding the yellow signage of ‘CRIME SCENE : DO NOT ENTER’
I didn’t know that many people wanted to be their very own private eye
OR do we just want to win the Astro B.yond? 😛
I remembered were that the culprit was at the exact place where we were, wore red, had a band-aid and I can’t recall what else. But the last clue was almost impossible to find! It was supposedly under a chair/table and gawd knows how many of them they were in this club-cum-restaurant!
My team mates and I
We searched like crazy too and I hope we won’t be mistaken as perverts for looking under people’s chairs!
And who emerged victorious?
Okay.. suspense a bit bit
Like I promised, here’s the winner! He’s Eric Yong who answered most of the corrections correctly about Astro B.yond HD. Congratulations! Hope you become a couch potato watching your sports matches and movies on High Definition. hahahaha kidding! 🙂
So instead of the killer, u captured an affair in pic? XP
Then the dude with the cap is totally hitting the lady in the black dress.
The girl long hair girl is so into the black shirt dude. The white shirt guy who is the husband caught her red handed flirting with him. XP
Last but not least, the guy on the extreme right is trying to impress the chick with some adventurous story of his. XP
Oh Josh, you totally nailed it! Where were you, Holmes, when Jess was clueless? 😛
Great post again, but I guess I shouldn't say that too often. It will lose the meaning, hehe.
Compliments on your skirt, I love that kind 🙂 As for Astro, no comments 😛 I no Malaixia ren, I Siluowennia ren and we have satelite dish :)~~
Great launch by Astro!!
Interesting post as usual Jess – another 11hrs to your new domain!!
ahahaha yeahh!! i guess! LOL and he ain't HITTING HER LAH. U want them to be caught by the female abuse center isit? hehe 😛 but i like the last observation of urs tho
he was sippin' bacardi in Singapore daydreaming of HD videos. ahhahahaha. and yay! i like that skirt too! it has the very scottish feel yeah 🙂
hahah yeah grats to them! LOL uhmygoddd nono pressure 😛
Wah lau. Quite a bit a lot of photos from that night right? 😀
ahaahah yesyes alot! 🙂 dya want our picture? I can send it over
Hello! Too bad you didn’t win. Love your new blog!
yeah didnt , how sad right! hahaha but i had fun no doubt. and thanks lots! 😀