Who’d ever said that the pen is
mightier than the sword?
mightier than the sword?
Look at how ‘mighty’ this knife is after decades of usage.
Check out the expression on the lil kiddo’s face. Such amazement!
The user has been using his old and loyal knife until it came to a point that the poor knife was worn down to this curve shape. WOW.
Betcha can’t even use your eraser till it turns really round and worn out.
I can’t.
Tried, tested, FAILED.
Tried, tested, FAILED.
verdict? NO PATIENCE.
Tried? tested? ..on knife ? .. Luckily failed >_<
be careful with knife, girL `
wow .. the knife ! so YENG ! how does the ppl use this knife ? potong apa ? potong till like this !
hehe hazel tried tested on eraser =D but still FAILED. sigh.. =(
thanks fer tha concern!
lol rach yeng right? if im not wrong i thnk he’s a satay seller. cut the bawang n cucumbers n satay meat all the time for so many years till liddat =P
seriously that thing must be god damn sharp
wow hunny.. ur probably right. i’d wait for u to add 10years of yr life using the same knife to make it look like that.
huh ?? satay ? cut satAY until like this ? he really pro arr!!!
the bawang , cucumber , meat quite HARD hor!!! =.=”
butbutbut…. PLUS 10 YEARS WHAD. keekkeekee.. guna also guna sampai macam ni.
haah. his bday we buy him a nice knife lol =D