Can you bullshit a bullshitter? Try us. XD

hohoho.. find out soon.

A whole day full of jam-packed action, who ever said three is a crowd?
I beg to differ.

Coincidence reigns again when the both of us were free and Carter was back from KayElle! Where to? Where to?

hohoho.. we had lunch at MY FAVOURITE FASTFOOD CHAIN, Subway

Oh and, I did my recipie thingy again. Where you place the chocolate chip cookie atop the warm steamy cup of cappucino! And the cookie will absorb all the aroma from the coffee which makes it twice as nice than it usually would!

A must-try.

Today was also the day when we found out that Rachel had a fetish for elderly men. Especially ones with white beards

Dei, woman. Stop convincing him to accept your beer.
He WON’T do you.

Tummies full, butts won’t move. So we decided to stroll along Gurney Drive and feel the breeze for just a while. Amongst the rocks, sand, city skyline and the distant horizon, we chilled and watched?
The rubbish float in the sea.

hohoho. reality strikes.

Like I said, pictures are lies.
The WERE garbage in the sea, for sure!!

When all your troubles seem so close, cast them far away into the deep depth of the sea. Just like I did…

when the wind howls in reply, you’ll know that it’s taken care of.
It’s just a psychological thing.
Then again, it’s up to your overly-logical-and-scientific-mind to believe it =)

Three’s never a crowd!

But two is definately company! =D

Tummies then allowed us to move around much now, we took it hardcore and hit the DDR – Dance Dance Revolution in the arcade!

It was fun & exhausting! Oh well, that’s when it gets even more intense ey? hahaha. I taught them all they needed to know about DDR and I’m glad they pick up well.

More rounds next time, yea? =D

The much-anticipated Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian was much of a disapointment. I’m not one to judge, but to most of my friends and I, and even my movie-junkie sweetheart says it wasn’t as good as the first movie.

Oh, we all agree with you professor.

When nightfell, we headed down to BED to have some drinks and a few rounds of cards. Sans the money again. Hey that reminds me, budgetfoo next time we should include you huh? =P

Poker-faces, people.
Put on your poker-faces.
The thicker the better



That’s unfair


but first

*psst.. who’s bullshitting?”

Hohoho. not bad of a bullshitter you guys are, f.y.i
And Daniel, my my… you were collecting cards like there was no tomorrow!

Oh and this is what my first sentence in this post meant:

Any challengers?
