So today is National Hug Your Cat Day!

BabyChivas, which corner are you curling up this time? Mommy's coming for you hehe!


Cuddling Chivas in my arms today


When I woke up, buddy Pam retweeted UberFacts' tweet about National Hug Your Cat Day and tagged me in it 🙂

To celebrate, I ran to the living room to squeeze that mischievous furball, my bundle of joy 


Gave him a few treats & his favorite can of tuna… and then hugged/squeezed/cuddled him again!

Rubbed his belly… and then hugged/squeezed/cuddled him again!

Brushed his fur & scratched him behind his ears.. and then hugged/squeezed/cuddled him again!


Hugging him everyday as a pastime 


But if you're a true cat lover and a loving parent of your kitty, this day wouldn't strike any significance to you.

Just like me, because I hug my furkid Chivas everyday – several times even!


Hugging him when he was still a  tiny 4 month old kitten 


For those who doesn't know my babyChivas, I've blogged about him here late last year 🙂

He's the kitten of both purebred parents daddy American Curl & mommy a Ragdoll


