
Yeah well… datz tha pinch ovv guilt i get wen i aint duin summin right…. while evry else in sch now, here i am….. oh wow….. partly cuz i needed sum rest afta all those sleepless nightz n restless morningz n lethargic moodz… *groan* n anotha reason iz dat i havent completed ma Bio report! Yeah, itz due 2day n i havent done a thing! Probly gonna do it later tho…. =< SO not ma idea ovv fun!

i dunno why… but i feel like goin sumwhere 2day…. tha most tranquil place… ya noe where? tha spot where tha black n white squarez lie.. where tha pebbles r planted in2 tha ground.. where tha ramp is an art… itzzz…. YOUTH PARK! ^_^ kekekekee….. sumtimez i kant explain ma moodz maself.. hmmm.. dun expect anyone else to, actually… =P miss tha ice-cream uncle there!! whoopz.. did i say tat in public? wakakaakz… dat lil ol’ man.. whom only has 3lil stubz of teeth n numeric strands of fine hair atop his shiny head n wrinkly skin! neva faillng 2flash dat lil ol’ toothy grin at his customerz! *awwwww* aint he cute? =P yeah i hv a soft spot fer old people..

Hmm… wonder wut carmen, kittyeng n tingen r duin now in sch… studyin n learnin.. i feel lyka complete numbskull!Wateva…. miss ma conference gang too! *whispawhispa*
