Media Research Methods (MCD 1083)

Friendster.Com Questionnaire



We are Mass Communication students from KDU College Penang Campus.

and would like to conduct a survey regarding the feedback and popularity of an online social website – Friendster.Com.

We would appreciate if you would kindly answer this questionnaire with honesty as it would aid us in the completion of our Mass Media Research.

Please choose only one (1) answer from the choices given



  1. Gender

a)Male             b)Female



  1. Age group:

a) 10-20 years              b)20-30 years



  1. Marital status:

a) Single           b)Married         c)Divorced       d)In a relationship



  1. Profession:

a)Student          b)Unemployed              c)Corporate     d)Professional



  1. Do you own a Friendster account?

a) Yes              b)No



If you’ve answered ‘Yes’, proceed to Question 6a.

If you’ve answered ‘No’,proceed to Question 6b.




6a. How many Frienster accounts do you own?

      a) 1                  b)2-4               c)5 and above



6b.Why did you choose not to own one?

      a)Limited access to the internet   b)Do not want to expose oneself

      c)Time constraints (busy)                        d)Do not believe in virtual relationships

      e)Prefer other online social websites    f)Others:______________________




  1. Who/what introduced you to Friendster?

a)Friends          b)Family           c)Online advertisements            d)Links on blogs



  1. How often do you log onto Friendster per week?

a)0-3                b)4-6               c)everyday




  1. How much time do you spend on Friendster per visit?

a)Half an hour               b)1-2hours                   c)3hours and above



  1. What do you primarily use Friendster for?

a)Blind dates                            b)Meeting new people             

c)Keeping in touch                    d)Stay updated on friends’ lives           

e)Displaying your profile to others                    



  1. What do you enjoy most about Friendster?

a)User friendliness                    b)Customizable profile pages

c)Able to insert media: Songs & YouTube videos         

d)Adopting virtual pets  e)Picture slideshows

f) Other interactive features:_______________________________



  1. is well known for bringing new people together.

Will you accept unknown friends’ friend requests?

a) No               b)Yes




If you’ve answered ‘Yes’, proceed to Question 14a.

If you’ve answered ‘No’, proceed to Question 14b.




14a.Why do you do so?

      a)To increase popularity                                    b)I accept everyone who adds me

      c)To get to know him/her/make new friends      d)Because he/she is hot!



14b.Why not?

      a)I don’t even know him/her!                                        b)Safety purposes

      c)Dislike adding friends for the sake of popularity          d)Others:______________




15.  Have any of your online friends become your friends in real life?

      a)Yes               b)No



16.  How has Friendster made an impact on you/your life?






17.  Rate Friendster from a scale of 1-5, in terms of its features and what it has to   e   w          a     offer to its users

      (1 being very dull – 5 being very interesting)




18.  Why do you think Friendster is popular among youths?





19.  Rate Friendster from a scale of 1-5, in terms of its popularity among youths

(1 being very unpopular – 5 being very popular)




20. Would you recommend Friendster to others?

a)Why not?                        b)Of course not!



21.  I enjoy using Friendster.Com because it is simple yet fun to use.

a)Strongly Agree     b)Agree     c)Neutral     d)Disagree     e)Strongly disagree



22.  Friendster.Com is less complicated in comparison to other online social websites   a      &nbs

p;     s      (Facebook, High5, Myspace, Bebo)

a)Strongly Agree     b)Agree     c)Neutral     d)Disagree     e)Strongly disagree



22. is my No.1 favourite choice of online social websites

(Choices: Friendster, MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, High5)

a)Strongly Agree     b)Agree     c)Neutral     d)Disagree     e)Strongly disagree



23.  Friendster.Com should be upgraded with more new features to maintain its popularity to compete with other growing online social websites

a)Strongly Agree     b)Agree     c)Neutral     d)Disagree     e)Strongly disagree



24.  I like Friendster.Com exactly the way it is now.

a)Strongly Agree     b)Agree     c)Neutral     d)Disagree     e)Strongly disagree



25.  Friendster.Com will continue to remain as the most popular online social website

a)Strongly Agree     b)Agree     c)Neutral     d)Disagree     e)Strongly disagree




Thank you for your time and corporation
