I just came back from a really awesome dinner event last night. It was the A Cut Above's 31st anniversary dinner! The best part of the night was its theme, something that was along the lines of Cartoons and the Magical World. Yeah, so… all the guests were supposed to attend the event as a cartoon character or any iconic character.
If you had read my tweets last night during the event, you would already know what I went as! 🙂 Any guesses?
Will blog about that soon but for now, it's another dinner which I attended a while back. I was lookin' through my photo archives last night and realized I still have CNY piccies that were lying dormant in my folders!
With Huai Bin, Kong, Aud and Kak Red 😀
Thanks to Astro, we were all invited to attend this CNY dinner event. The group performance was awesome! Well, they better be. They were champions of a recent dance competition! I can't recall what was the name of the competition but if you do, lemme know! 🙂
That Shaolin guy scared the bejeezus outta Wern Shern and I
He was practically jumping around the stage brandishing his swords and breaking bricks with his bare arms!
*claps hands*
If he scared us, he sure scared everyone too! The crowd was impressed at his deft movements and his skills of handling potentially lethal weapons. 🙂 Totally reminds me of those Kung Fu masters in the ancient Ming dynasty
Anyhoozers, food was good, company was good, entertainment was good!
I was intrigued by the dry ice mist billowing from the glass but the rest were like
Okay okay, go eat 🙂 I managed to snap a piccie already! So much merry-making! We yum-senged the night away too. Louder than the next table, methinks 😀
Hmm.. what's a CNY dinner without Mandarin Oranges? I can remember the last time I ate them, I gobbled down so many that my throat was severely sore the next day. Looks like what Popoh said about oranges "being very heaty" was true
So whenever I eat 'em, I only have two – tops
Buddy Joe then came in fashionably late 🙂 He started showing off his BB Bold 2 to me! *cries* The only reason why I want the BB Bold 2 is because my BB Curve doesn't have built in flash! How to take pictures during clubbing liddat! 🙁 🙁
My red haired partner!
His is now pink and mine is now.. faded 🙁
Dinner then went on swell and it was time for the lucky draws!
Our table won ourselves a cake mixer each.
Now… is that a sign that I should start baking more often? 😀
I've baked cookies and cakes before but only once in a blue moon. I'll prolly bake things like this :
Explicit work of Joe! -___-
I made it a threesome later. Apart from the suggestive acts, the bunnies were actually really adorable! Too adorable in fact, couldn't bear eating them.
Red wine was served 😀
Oh and the lock & key bracelet I'm wearing is from Soak Republic too!
My personal fave
We took a few more camwhore moments before we finally left the seafood restaurant with a box of cake mixer in our hands. I'll facebook the piccies guys!
Thanks Astro!
food halal ke?
yes halal! 🙂 confirm halal so everyone can eat!
U look so demure in cheongsum …
Me still struggling with the aftermath of cny foodies!
LOL hahhaahah thanks! and exercise them all out yo! woo hoo
me likeys ye cheongsam very much… lucky u.. got sponsor. hmph!
awwwwwwwwww thanks! 😀 😀 i never thought u would point that out 🙂 whee and haha sponsor or no sponsor, can still buy ma if u like! buy for mei haha
lol, about the sponsor, was talking bout the event itself not the cheongsam. =p
buy for you? not my job. ask the person below me. *points* then *farts* =D
OMFG… Mandarin Oranges is heaty? Crap, I ate alot of them in a day last time. >_< BTW, how come you always look so outstanding wan ar? ^_^
YES IT IS! ahahahahah 🙂 dieeeeeee.
lol where got outstanding! Cheongsam only ma! its a CNY event after all 😀 😀
whoaaaaa. the shaolin guy’s expression scared me -__-
ahhahah yeah! imagine u were there. GOSH. the blades was like, almost gonna fly outta his hand n land on ur face ahahha
Checking out ere. =). Had a great time there huh. =)
hehe yeah we did! 🙂 thanks!
🙂 🙂 🙂
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
i always love lady in cheongsam dress……
hhahahaha! aishehhh
i totally agree wif al d cheongsam cmmnts… u luk damn cun, beter than gong li in cheongsam, but didnt show slits wo
LOLOLOL u ppl haven’t seen me in cheongsam b4 meh!! hahahahaha -___- biasa only lah! 🙂 🙂 Just like any other ppl wearing cheongsams on the street.
Sorry Jess, I was busy, have a lot to catch up here (and on other blogs) 🙂
You look hot in the cheongsam and my fav pic is you with the wine. I’d love to share some with you 🙂
awwwwww thanks! haha i wonder WHY so many guys like gurls in cheongsams!!?!?!? 😀
hope ur enjoyin taipei! I’d love to go there one day!