Today was a typical long day – being Friday. Classes were at 9am and ends at 5.30pm.
Nevertheless, New Writing class today was rather interesting. Film Studies.. well, I nodded off a few times while watching ‘Babel’ as I didn’t get much sleep the night before. =(
A few students from Mass Com dept were picked for a photoshoot session. whee! We’re gonna be on KDU’s brochures and posters! Hmm, it was kinda alright during the group shot, as it seemed natural for us to portray campus life.
But goodness me, when they wanted a two individual shots of me for the full scholarship thingy, it was highly awkward –
not forgetting the fact that it was in the middle of the foyer! LOL.
While waiting around, a friend of mine here managed to attain satisfaction through the means of sniffing the natural odour of his beloved footwear. Nice one, dude. =)
Steph and I went to a vegetarian food place today to commemorate the last day of the Yellow Fellow. (yeah, I ate the fakes from soya skins again) We dropped by a pet shop down the road in Pulau Tikus and I couldn’t resist this adorable pup!
It seemed to do pretty well at cam-whoring, because each time I took its picture, it looked directly into the lens and striked a pose. Then, it pawed me so many times just to take a peek at how it looked in the picture.
Oh, here’s a lucky shot of our most popular figure in our department doing what most of us do
Hmm.. who’s that all alone in the corner by the plants?
Oh yes. I can officially say that I’m zapped dead from RPM. But hey, it’s never discouraging neither will it ever be demotivating, as a sweet sugary eye-candy will be right before our eyes.
Can’t believe I’m hitting the gym again tomorrow, gahhh the adreanalin rush just rocks!
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