How time flies. It's no cliche but speaks the utter truth! I've been stressing, working my arse off yet enjoying myself with endless photography & media invites and
It's clocking into the 2nd month here with Juice already.
It's :
Where everyone had to show up at work with a headgear on.
yes. ANY headgear
LOL @kenwei316
Needless to say, I did not pack my fancy headgear along with me to KL. If it was Penang we're talking about, I'd prolly be spoilt for choice between my cowboy hat, bunny ears, devil horns, some old cardboard crown I made when I was 9, a feathery party hat and so on. 🙁
So, I settled for the most practical (and prolly the only headgear I brought) , the trucker cap.
You betcha!
Hey.. St. Patricks Day is waaay over, fellas
Don't mess with 'em.
Like, seriously.
Just so you know, not every working day is as crackers as today. Believe me, everyday is an uber fast-paced day with deadlines after deadlines and one rush after another.
I know I may screw up at times, but then again, don't all first timers? Hmm.. trial & error has taught me much. House styles of writing and how things work here in the editorial and publishing world, unwritten do's and don'ts plus the riguors of how being in the media is like.
In conjunction with the mark of my 2nd month here,
a very BIG thank you to my colleagues for making my first month rock!
My verdict?
Exactly where I see myself being in, as a child of 10. I'm glad to say found my niche; so this writer/photographer will still be kickin' her swagger for years to come!
wuah, now oly post about the hat day =________=
go bald go bald!!
byk gile topi
You rock jie!!Love ya loads^^*huggies*
Wah! why your boss so fun xD
u shuang lo lol!
Vicissitudes of Life
Oh jess, you just have the knack in writing. Now i know why – coz you study it!!
WoOt, yea, media life roCks!! celebrities!!
im guessing this post is damn overdued 😛
fuhhh…baik punya boss..
ev ahaahh cos there was no significance to post it yet 🙂 now masuk my 2nd month d. can post finally
j’z bald chicken lol. the day i shave bald is the day i tattoo ‘i love oprah winfrey’ on my scalp.
cwken topi membara-bara? HAAHAHAHA better than ur pendarfluor prawnello inari.
vic lol mui, u like that song too? woots! xoxo <3
shufen lol if she’s not fun, we’d all be dried prawns working like shit. 😛
hitomi thanks! and i dont study writing babe. 🙂 been writing since highschool. i guess i used to read alot. 🙂
spinzer not as overdued as ur graduation tockytower. XD
yat yes baik. bila u kerja, cari boss yang bagus jugak. wheee! but i got screwed b4 also.. not so baik alrdy that time 😛
Ei… This “Hat Day” event only once per year? No other kind of days such as Crapping Day, Drinking Day, Sleeping Day or Houston Rockets day? XP
Houston Rockets day MEMANG dont have, will not have and shall never have! GO GO LAKERS!
WHAT HATE ME ARH? iskh, fine lo.. wun ajak u to join us for lunch anymore…
oh, almost forgot.. *ahem*
derek hate u hate u hate u 😛 kidding la dude! wheee
and hell yeah im loving ur cowboy get up. nice one!
the girl in the red hat looks pretty cute *winks winks*
p.s. eh..why so long never update? XD
don’t mahai me again.
HORRR kap lui! ahhahaaha
excuse meeeeeeeeee MAHAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
when i update fast u scold, when i din update for only one day u scold.
eh that kenwei316 looks like kennysia in the first pic..