It's been a few days since Despicable Me 2 premiered in Malaysian cinemas and well, the emphasis of this sequel this time round is centered around Gru's minions.
Yup, you know what I'm talking about.
Those animated, incoherent little yellow stumps ARE EVERYWHERE!
Okay, they're cute… and funny (looking!), I suppose.
Seriously, the craze about those tiny minions in Despicable Me 2 is starting to get to me.
Almost everyone I know are going bananas over those little minions that coincidentally, also resembles stunted bananas LOL. Am I the only one who's not obsessed over them?
Some scenes from Despicable Me 2 on the minions in question.
Almost every single post I skim through on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are about them.
Even McDonald's Malaysia ever so cleverly tapped onto the market and
created a new collectible merchandise consisting of the popular minions.
I find myself not riding on the craze, thankfully, lest I spend even more money than I already am.
Jumping on the minions' bandwagon is the last thing on my mind.
Looks like your minions have discovered their newfound fame, Gru.
I've gotten a few requests/challenges to sing the minions' banana potato song.
You should know me by now. Here's my first attempt.
Jul 10, 2013 | You challenged me, so here it is! Jessicat's BABABANANA POTATOOOO #minions song. My first attempt! Enjoy lah.
by imthejessicat on
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In retrospect, McDonald's Malaysia really know how to entice their fans – they always have!
Aku tidak lupa dekad yang lalu, semasa McD menjual koleksi mereka yang digemari ramai. Ingat tak?
Who remembers collecting the entire Sesame Street merchandise by McDonalds circa 1995?
I have them at home! My godmom collected the entire set.
McTeddy Bear craze in 1999
Can hardly find any photos of it on the internet but here's the bathrobe version!
Those Sesame Street series and McTeddy Bear series were sold when I was only a little kid.
Read: NO buying power LOL.
This year, I found myself completing the recent set of collectibles by McDonalds – the Hello Kitty series!
As big of a fan of Hello Kitty as I am, the thought of collecting McDonalds' Hello Kitty merchandise didn't even cross my mind. I don't particularly fance queuing up for a toy.
But eventually, I did. It all began when Konzy surprised me with the first one.
On my laptop. McD x Hamburglar
At Mcd with my very first McD merchandise. Thanks love!
And so I thought that was that. After all, Hamburglar looked pretty cute.
But when next week came, Grimace came knocking on my door, thanks to Konzy again.
At home. McD X Grimace
Grimace Hello Kitty with my furkid, Chivas.
Clearly, he wasn't too amused with another cat in the house.
When I went to office on Monday, I was surprised to see many Hello Kitties on my colleague's desk.
Wow. Looks like a man of 40 collects them too.
Terkejutnye aku, apabila mengetahui bahawa rakan sekerjaku juga mengumpul koleksi ini!
On my office desk. Third plushie: McD x Birdie
Birdie Hello Kitty got me hooked.
Since I already have the third one, might as well finish the collection, right?
The last and final one was finally up for grabs.
Evidently, this should be the most popular one, seeing that it is Ronald McDonald, the pivotal mascot of McDonald's himself.
On my home work-desk. McD X Ronald McDonald
Like I said above, I never intended to collect any of them, but Konzy kinda got the ball rolling when he surprised me with the first version. And since then, I was hooked on to getting the entire set.
Gotta catch ‘em all, eh?
Speaking of which, if McDonalds ever came up with Pokemon merchandise, you'll find me queueing up at their counters everyday LOL. Ardent fan of Pokemon here!
P/S – I can still sing the Pokerap and still remember the first 251 Pokemon names before the ugly ones came about.
Anyway, here they are. My collection of McD X Hello Kitty merchandise.
Don’t they look adorable siting prettily in a neat line, fringing my desk? I love them so!
Sorry, dear minions. I think I'll pass this round!