To be honest, I've always been afraid of hospitals, doctors and nurses or any medical procedures.
Always had been since I was a kid.
Looks like I'm living within the shadows of my fear now
Rocking the operating table with a nurse outfit!
Wootwoot 🙂
LOL which nurse wears Converse?
I do. CBF to wear heels; want to dance and shuffle!
My date for the night; none other than le boyfie the evil doctor
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away….
I'd say bring on the apples!
Doctor, would you increase my dosage? Hellyeah
We're out for a brutal operation tonight
My mates and I got ready for the party & camwhored!
Fancy an extra injection of energy, Nurse Kayla? 😀
Yupyup, syringes aplenty! One more injection for Dr. Bardha coming right up!
Injected Military Nurse Deanna's neck till she bled 😛
Naughty, deadly nurses on the loose!
Are we ready to roll, my hot doctor? 😀 😀
As usual, we busted out the drinks and began our pre-party!
Let's get it on!
^_____^ Let it roll!
Broken arm Todd and I 😀
And yes if you're wondering, I always drink straight from the bottle. None of that soft-drink mixer bullshit for me.
To me, if I wanna savour real whiskey, bourbon, liqueur or vodka, I'd rather do it pure.
Bacardi shots with Dr. Greg & Dr. Johnny 😀
I'm getting overdosed by my mates! Love them heaps
Nurse Olivia X Nurse Jessicat
Drink up, guys! 😀
Guess who got the King's Cup???? Muahahah. You're gonna get smashed tonight, Mossy.
Ohyuck. The mixture from all our drinks made this vile, curdled looking drink
Nurse Laura X Nurse Jessicat
My stethoscope: I can feel your heartbeat now
Matching shoes with GP Clayton LOL
Nurse Britt X Nurse Jessicat
Coming back HOME to Australia was worth it 🙂
They are worth it.
And even more worthwhile, back in his arms.
LOL I love how our kitchen counter is scattered with ours & everyone else's booze. Wicked!
Naughty, deadly Nurses are out to get you!
Better dead now before we operate on you, I reckon.
Already massively wrecked, it's time to hit the party to get even more smashed & hit the dance floor!
Extra dosages of mad fun please? 🙂
By the bar
Nurse Jessicat X Nurse Paige
My sexy doctor Kon and I
Guess who spun for us that night? 😀 😀
It's Dr. Rowan! Yay! All the best for your DJ gig
Wootwoot! I psychedelic colours!
Take me to the Intensive Care Unit please?
Candid photo!
Love is definitely something you can overdose and die happy from
Nurse Jessicat X Dr. Bardha
Outside on the decks, more funtimes!
Btw, neither Kayla nor I remember the photo on the bottom left.
But both our boyfriends were like – "THAT'S HOT!" hahahahahaha!
Wonder when will we see them smooching each other? 😛 Not in a million years, methinks!
More drinks for the night!
Music was blasting and pumping so hard. Absolutely fab
Bumped into Nurse Alia in the Ladies'
These are certainly nurses you wouldn't wanna mess with! 😀
Dr. Johnnie X Nurse Jessicat.
ZOMG HE'S SO TALL. Over 6 feet in height – cool as!
Dr. Ian X Nurse Jessicat
I love how similar and cute our Nurse costumes are 😀
Josh and I 🙂 With every party, we never fail to take piccies together!
Hmm…. this looks like the beginning of a lesbian X-Rated movie
*shrugs* Whatever 🙂
Clearly, I'm as straight as ever. No doubt about that
We all got home smashed with memories of fun, wacky, wild times and a hangover the next morning.
But as for me, I came home with a semi-broken foot. Couldn't walk for a few days.
But don't worry, ima tough cookie. Am still kicking!
When I party, I escalate it to full scale – cos that's how it ought to be! But gawd knows how that happened.
Only photos remind us of our silly, drunk, party shenanigans the night before
Yet another amazing night with you. As always.