Just watched the challenges of Maybelline-8TV’s Simply Fabulous New York all over again and was stuck to my lappy screen!


Remember my last introduction entry on each of the contestants & about this competition here? Anyhoozers, I can’t help laughing myself silly about how cute and comical the top 10 finalists all were at the 1st series of challenges!

So funny can die.

They had to prepare for that 1st series of challenge.
What do you think they had to do?

Get their make up removed

And then choose their favorite shades of make up

Go gurls!

So what did they have to do? It’s hilarious. But then again, it’s no laughing matter. I’d like to see you getting your make up done IN FIVE MINUTES without a mirror! Muahahaha… I applaud these gals in fact.

Look ma, no mirrors!

Their only reflection is their partner in front of them to tell them whether they’ve made themselves up evenly or if there were any smears of eyeliners and mascaras.

I know if I were to make myself up sans the mirror, I’d prolly end up looking like a failed court jester or a Chinese opera singer. ROFL

While the ladies were battling hard in their challenge,
someone came back from SG & accompanied me at the studio!

Check out how they do it and watch it for yourselves : here
I guarantee it will make u go.. ohmy *gasp*

Hmmm.. pretty good for a 5 minute session without a mirror!

Actually, they were just playin a fool with the gurls. The “challenge” which requires them to make up in 5 minutes WITHOUT a mirror was only an ice-breaker! 🙂 *phew*


Their real challenge was to re-create the Maybelline Simply Fabulous night-look in 15 minutes. And the winner was.. hmm.. very dramatic difference for a night out partying, very well done! Watch it for yourself to see who won 🙂


Camwhoring with Sasi the Don at the studio

Oh and speaking of make up, I’ve got some freebies and exclusive passes to give away! Just complete these 2 slogans to win yourself lotsa goodies.

  • I want to attend the Grand Finale of Maybelline Simply Fabulous at MOS Euphoria on the 14th October 2009 because…
  • I’m simply fabulous especially when I…


Put on your thinking caps! The top 3 most creative & interesting ones wins 🙂 Here are the prizes. Better get your hands on it quickly!

1st Prize
RM 100 worth of Maybelline products + 2 passes to Grand Finale

2nd Prize
RM 80 worth of Maybelline products + 2 pas
ses to Grand Finale

3rd Prize
RM 50 worth of Maybelline products + 2 passes to Grand Finale

-deadline (extended) Saturday 12am 10th Oct-

Don’t worry if you’re a guy. You can take those passes to the Grand Finale but give the make up products as a gift to your girlfriend, crush, mom or anyone. (And claim credit for that LOL)


See you at the party of the Grand Finale!

May the best girl win 🙂
