Can you believe how much pressure is on already? 🙂
TOMORROW NIGHT is the grand finale of the Simply Fabulous Maybelline New York!

That’s Sarah Lian, one of the hosts for this series

The previous challenge had them shopping in a pair with a budget of 400 bucks to create a thematic night out partying… in only 30 minutes!

Blimey! I don’t think I can ever ever ever in the name of holymotherearth, shop for a complete outfit for a party night in only half an hour. It’s insane! But I’m glad the gurls managed to pull through

Nalin’s dream was to become a travel host

You can watch their rush hour retail madness at
their official webbie here
Read more of my take of what happened previously here and here

Their final challenge was to create a whole concept during their photoshoot which is themed as “My Dream”. After all, this Simply Fabulous challenge was initially for all of these top 10 finalists to persue their dreams.


They ingeniously came up with their concept, props and spoke to a very popular Fashion Consultant, Steven Sunny of ThreeSixty Fashion. He was the Fashion Director for the entire photoshoot session today.

Sunny browsing through the photographs taken

Here are some of the moments I captured right before their shoot.

Steffie’s dream was to become an actress

Syifa’s dream was to own her own bakery

One of the most outstanding contestants IMHO,
is Diana. She’s a tough lass who handled so much controversy
about her tudung (which shouldn’t be an issue in the 1st place anyway)

Preeta, the avid fashionista among the top 10

I was impressed with how the Maybelline make-up artists and hairstylists was so professional in their works. Check out how dramatic they made Calista and Susie! That’s the look I’m talking about babeh

Indeed. My kinda thing.

Yes I’m biased like that – give me that kinda femme fatale vibe and I’ll love every single bit of it. You deserve it Calista! I was all over your look that day, wish someone could make me over like that. I wonder how I’d look!

Beware of the female species.
They can claw through your skin & gauge your eyes out

And towards the end of the shoot, it was already late in the evening. Everyone was completely junked out from all the practising, shooting, rehearsing and so on.

Playing with the globe that
Nalin & Zhareen used as props

Exhibit A as per below illustrates what I just mentioned about being tired and the best remedy, should there be no coffee within armslength, was to completely zonk out at a nearby couch


Alright gurls, get yourselves some beauty sleep and
prepare for tomorrow night’s showdown!

One of you will be jet-setting of to New York’s Fashion Week and walk way with RM10K in sponsorship and RM15K worth of prizes. I’m feeling just as excited omg!

The dresscode for tomorrow’s grand event is :

So if you think you’re fabulous in the nude then you’re welcome to come as you are. Don’t take my word for that! Who do you think will win by the way?
