So one sunny (and by sunny, I mean excruciatingly hot) sweltering afternoon, I found myself away from the hustle and bustle of the busy city – on the countryside grounds of Nottingham University campus in Semenyih.
What have ye travelled so far for?
The photo speaks for itself 🙂
No, it's not my graduation ceremony… YET.
It's someone else's moment; my buddy Pam's!
I certainly would not miss her graduation for the world.
So upon request, I was more than willing to shoot her post-ceremony photographs of this memorable day.
You're looking at the graduate in Masters in Science : Environmental Monitoring and Management!
Yes, very long title. I think so too.
I've often contemplated the thoughts of taking my tertiary education a notch higher with a Masters!
These days, Bachelor's Degree holders aren't a rare sight to see at all.
This is especially now true that many schools have programs that allow students to earn a Bachelor Degree online. Yep, it's really that easy.
Practically every well-educated person has pursued an undergraduate course.
Which is why it's a smart idea to set yourself a qualification apart from the pool of undergrads.
With the graduates, Iguniwari (Pam's classmate) and Pamela
Here I am holding the scroll for fun – and prolly because it's red! 😛
And another one with fellow housie Edwin!
I was wearing a blazer initially but was roasting inside due to the weather 🙁
Many a time I've watched her sit for hours on end at the computer tabulating her data and doing whatever mumbo-jumbo required to complete her thesis paper of 'Perceptions of Human-Tiger Conflict in Peninsular Malaysia'
She even made a trip to the remote areas of Terengganu in the eastern countryside to conduct her research among the villagers living in the jungle and effects of tigers.
Also get bitten to near-death by mosquitoes LOL
Mission accomplished – finally!
My turn next, methinks? Masters of Journalism, Masters of Communications & Media Studies?
That's all just a thought for now BUT
Not sure if I want to endure months and months of research and thesis writing
I wish you all the best in your future undertakings and may you enter the voracious dog-eat-dog world of the corporate ladder with full gusto!
You can dooooooooo it!
Heartiest congratulations again, gurlie
This is for you