Okay I promise this is the last post that has any connection whatsover with Christmas! 😛
I'm no festive laggard but haven't really been getting round to writing the Christmas posts instead of all the other posts first
So as a token of apology, here are 2 very adorable snowmen fer you! 😀 😀
So thefockers and I headed to this really nice place called Folie-Folie along Jalan Raja Musa Aziz in Ipoh for some Christmas dinner.
We frequent this place quite often as Uncle Mike knew some of the bosses and staff there 🙂
Say hello to my favorite uncle of all time!
Anyhoozers, the place was pretty packed with people, old and young alike.
All the waiters and waitresses dressed the part too – in the spirit of Christmas!
Silly me thought that these 2 waiters were the same person.
I was thinking "WHOA, he changed hats so fast?" But it's actually 2 different people!
Mom seemed pretty amused with the complimentary snowmen we had too! 🙂
Leafed through the pages of the menu and we finally settled on which Main Course to pick.
In the Christmas dinner set, there were choices of Roasted Duck Breast, Grilled Salmon, Chicken Roulade and Braised Lamb Shank
Om nom noms!
I obviously chose the fish. Salmon FTW forever and always!
My selection of meat is very, very predictable. It's always in this order : Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Lamb, Beef and last in line, Pork.
Or wait. Last of the last would be…. frog. Never my option! Yuck
So the Grilled Salmon was pretty damn awesome, just like everything else served too. Oh and the Pumpkin Cappuccino soup was really new to me! Some of thefockers didn't like it so I ended up finishing it for them 😛
The Roasted Duck, compared to the Chicken Roulade wasn't as flavourful as I had expected it to be.
This was really good. It was light and creamy, soft and frothy bursting with coffee aroma!
The perfect Tiramisu in a cup
The couzzies gobbled them down pretty fast! And so did it.
Anyway, couzzie group photo!
Yup. We're Blackberry addicts.
Sorry no Steve Jobs worshippers allowed at this table 😛
Without our BBs!
Looking a tad more normal here and not too Y-Generation as the previous pic
You've prolly seen them well over a hundred times if you've been following this blog for a long time,
but… *drumroll* the mad awesome fockers in the house!
Adjourned back home to partay at the patio 😀
Put on your Christmas hats yo!
Candid shot!
Our setting for the table. Pretty swell, ain't it?
It's been a longtime tradition for us to celebrate Christmas at home!
Hmmmm.. there's something missing though.
Now that all thefockers are here. Where's grandpa this year? It feels different without him this Christmas.
Oh! There he is. Came back perched by the ceiling to join us, perhaps? :D
I'd like to think so.
Do you believe that the deceased comes back in the form of insects i.e butterflies & grasshoppers?
According to the Chinese belief, it is apparently so.