Worldwide Music Fest was awesome!
International DJ Gilles Paterson & DJ Jack Beats were there too

Just a lil sneak peak before my whole cover of it :

Bet all these people are slushed by the beach right now.
Most were already flippin’ tipsy before I left

We had bacardi, gins and beer. The last time I actually partied to a rave by the beach was ages ago. Gawd. Perfect for getting the stress of my jammed mind.

I’m endorsing Corona here. Simply the best!
The next time ya wanna grab some awesomm possum beers,

Just came back and imma hit the sack right away. Being half wasted, half sleepy, half hungry, having half a writer’s block and half a migraine ain’t good.

I can feel it in every fibre of my being.

Stay tuned.

p.s – Jap DJ’s are hawt. Like, seriously.
